WI Area Catholic / Christian Therapist Database Request Form

This request form is for pastors, priests, and diocese officials for their ministerial use in making referrals.

Disclaimer:  Mental health practitioners on this list are not vetted in terms of licensure, efficacy, safety, or other standards.  Neither Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC, Dialog International Press, LLC, nor Dr. Simeone-DiFrancesco, or Romuald Simeone are responsible for their appropriateness, actions or other qualities.  They are simply made up of persons who have chosen to be listed in this database and their names made available for those church or ministry leaders who would like to make referrals.  Please use your own judgment or ask for references.

Know some folks who need help that you want to refer to counseling?  We realize that finding someone you trust can be difficult.

If you work at a diocese, a church, a parish, or are a member of the clergy and would like to have a list of Catholic Christian therapists in the Wisconsin area to make referrals to, please email us using the form below.  We are here to help!

Disclaimer:  Please note, Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC (JCI) is not evaluating the credentials, licensing, or any other aspect of these providers.  These therapists have chosen to list themselves in our database as representing that they are qualified to treat Catholic and other Christian clients in a manner that respects and enters into their faith perspective.  The mental health practitioners on this list are not vetted in terms of licensure, efficacy, safety, or other standards.  JCI is not responsible for any error in the listings, consequences of being on this list both seen or unforeseen, or omissions or acts by these providers in any fashion.  Please use your own discretion, and if in doubt, consult with someone you trust as a solid mental health practitioner, or speak to your state psychological association or other appropriate professional association.

This list is not available to the general public or for potential seekers of therapy.  This is for representatives of religious organizations seeking to make appropriate referrals.  We ae not a referral service, we only provide a list.

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