Helping Christians witness Jesus by knowing & encountering Him.

Bringing focus to “All & Only Jesus” for people in general, seekers, evangelizing churches/parishes/religious organizations, seminary and university formators and clergy.

There’s a lot of stresses out there, a lot of half-truths and false truths.

We are Bible-based. 

This means we are only going to present to you  Scripture based truth.  This is the truth the martyrs died for, including the Eucharist as the true Body & Blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God.  They died because they believed it enough to be accused of eating human flesh & drinking human blood.  

With our expert theologian and apologist/Scripture scholar Romuald B. Simeone, you will :

  1. Learn the history, theology & exegetical explanations of the Biblical writings of the beloved apostle, John, but you will learn how to apply it to yourself, simple “Lectio Divina” style.  This means in our context how to hear with Jesus’ Heart what He is saying to you, 


What is it that you are coping with, Covid-19, an elderly mother, or an unfaithful spouse?  Do you want to hear Jesus instead of just talking at Jesus?

Dialog International Press, LLC, our publishing division can provide some resources to get you started.  


First by learning how close Jesus is to you.

Second by learning how to rid yourself of fear by experiencing Him speaking to you through His word.

And Third, by experiencing Him daily in your life so you can also pass Him on.


June 10th, 2025 Start-Up for Online Scriptural Pastoral Foundations

  with small group breakouts for men & women!

Learn from our new CEO and co-founder, Dr. Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco.  As Professor Romuald Simeone’s  protégé, she will lead us through the Gospel of John in “slow motion”.  The book we will use is his: Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Gospel of John, Lectio Divina” Dr. Simeone-DiFrancesco will use his experience of 50 plus decades of evangelization and ministry, 23 countries, street witnessing, helping missionary bishops from Australia to Thailand and the California broken home and street scene and beyond to bring the Gospel of John down to practical everyday life, YOUR LIFE.  Professor Simeone takes a real life, non-scholarly yet brilliant application that helps you draw lessons out of it, like:  Listen with Your Heart; Making Friends out of your Family; Getting out of Destructive Unequal Communications (that make everybody avoid you and clam up), and more.

It’s all based on The Root, the Vine, ….the example/Model of Jesus.  And as many saints and bishops have acknowledged, the Biblical Books of John are one of the places that help us absorb it the BEST.  “All and only Jesus” Professor Simeone quotes frequently and emphatically.  Pope Paul VI made that point very clear to him when he, as a guest at the pope’s audience throne, stated to him, “Jesus is not ‘One Way’, He is the Only Way!

Our group will proceed like this:  Dr. Chiara reads a passage.  You learn how to pray it and absorb it.  We watch a video together from Prof. Romuald Simeone, explicating the Gospel reading even further, bringing it down to real life.  Then we talk about it, and you LEARN how to share on it and apply it.  In the process, you may learn how to open up and talk BRAVELY and say GENTLY what needs to be said at home and in other situations as well, with a good balance, where nobody is put on the spot, and your family starts feeling more and more secure with you.  And that’s a win for everyone.

You take it home and live it.  And fall on your face, and try again, and bring that experience back to the group.  That’s real life.

Are you ready for the challenge?  This is no boring still-faced group.  Be ready to laugh and be real, and learn how to not “study” the Scripture, but pray it into your life.

Where:  Online & in-person.  The Online group is starting up in June.  In the Fall we most likely will be meeting at one of the Catholic parishes near Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC (Oshkosh or Neenah, WI)

There is no homework, you can miss sessions when necessary and join in when you can, though it is meant for ongoing attendance.

You will need to purchase the book.

Goal:  to connect to Jesus and create apostolic parishes as well as create friendships between ourselves.

When:  Tuesday mornings weekly, 5:30 – 7:00 AM Central via Zoom

Start date: Summer Session starts online June 10, 2025 ends on August 26, 2025

Come as often as you wish.

 Who may join? Men or women, age 18 to 105!  You can have any background, as long as you come with an open mind.  This is also great for those who know little about Jesus and His Gospel.

Group Facilitator and professor:  Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco, Ph.D.,

CEO, Publisher & JCI Professor of Domestic Evangelization:  Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC & Dialog International Press, LLC

Sam Wood, M.S., Religion teacher at St. Mary’s High School, Neenah, will be assisting with the small breakout groups.

 We are using the videos listed below on this website by Professor Romuald B. Simeone and his textbooks: “Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Vol. 1A & 1B, Gospel of John, Lectio Divina

 Purchase of Volume 1A is required.  Volume 1A can be ordered off of Amazon or this website.  If you would like the Vintage combined volume (A & B together), contact this office for pickup or shipping. 

Please register if you are interested in attending and you will be updated with the Zoom link AND have priority getting into the groups, as our number of registrants will be limited to the number of group leaders that we train.

If you prefer the in-person group in the fall, you may also register and indicate this preference.



Watch this video and we’ll get you started.  Then you may want to listen to some of the other free videos by Romuald Simeone about the Gospel of John, as he tells you about what’s happening and puts it all together for you in a remarkable and brilliant fashion.

Romuald B. Simeone, author of Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Books of John, (Lectio Divina), explains how to use his videos and tools to understand & apply the Gospel of John.

Here is a summary of what you just heard, in case you wish to print a copy

Wonder how to use my videos and book? Here’s your instant guide!

First step:  pray for inspiration from the Holy Spirit to have an open heart, to hear with your heart, what Jesus might be saying to you personally.

The goal for you, brother or sister in Christ is to:

  1. Learn about Jesus.

This leads to building a relationship with Him, alive in your life.

  1. Love Him more as you learn about Him. 

This leads to developing a heart of gratitude, complete trust, and happy conformity to Him.

  1. Follow Him more closely.

This involves learning how to apply His Life Lessons to your own life.

  1. Witness to His presence and activity in my life to others.

This involves a certain enthusiastic energy that comes from being committed to Him as a person, viewing His ways as making life significantly better, seeing this relationship as the most important thing in my life, that my life shifts to reorganize correspondingly.  It also involves being so attached to Him, with loving confidence, that I overcome any shyness or social rejection fears, and just seek to please Him.  In so doing I become more effective, creative, positive and influential with others important to me, and even to new people I meet.  I also learn to create opportunities, so others will also know, love and follow Him.  This does not happen by me only being a “good person”, it happens by transparently living for a specific person they identify to be Jesus.

So, now that you know the goal, let’s implement it. 

Day 1 and thereafter, listen first to the video session, in order.  Make a few notes of what speaks to you and why.  Then, read that section in the Love Letters From Your Father, Gospel of John.  It follows right along with the same verses as in your New Testament.  What is written will amplify the Gospel verses with the history, background, biblical exegesis, teachings of the Fathers of the Church, and interpretation of the Catholic Magisterium (meaning 2,000 plus years’ certain understandings that go straight back to the apostles’ teachings, and their disciples.)  My “Lectio Divina” inspiration adds some details to tie it together in a format for you that reads more like a novel, and will help you follow along.

Read, get set, go!




Then take a notebook, date it, write the chapter and verses you listened to and read with today’s date on it, and summarize what it means to you in your life.  How does it speak to you about who Jesus is to you?  And what He calls you toward?  Perhaps what you need to shift.

And ideas?


Then the rest of the day, think about it from time to time.  At the end of the day, re-read what you wrote.  Any new ideas?

Perhaps consider sharing it with someone you love and trust.  Ready? 

Go share!

Next day—due the same.  Do not worry if some days it does not speak to you as much.  That’s part of the test of you being faithful.  It’s not always milk and honey.  The faithful part is, you believe Jesus’ words to you when He is speaking about prayer requests that conform to His will.  “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

 You are asking, seeking and knocking.  That’s what it’s all about.  Just continue faithfully doing it, and you will reap the benefit of the secrets of the saints.  It is not more complicated than that.  You don’t need to be a scholar.  That’s why I wrote, at the request of Archbishop Tomas Clavel, Panamanian hero bishop who had a heart for simple people.  Not that you have to be simple either, but we do have to be open, “open like a child”, as Jesus said.

You also don’t need to have a tremendous amount of faith, even just a little bit, and God Almighty will intervene in your life and do the rest.  You will see.

This is what happens all the time in the office of my wife, a psychologist, Dr. Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco.  There are times with Christian clients when something beyond herself, her psych tools and beyond what the client has as resources, is needed.  She will invite the client to open to a Scripture in a serendipitous way of faith, meaning not a directed reading, and time after time, it amplifies exactly what was being dealt with in the session, and adds an experience of the nearness, caring and intervening Love of God, of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, ever present and oh so close!  It is astounding, and astounding on a regular basis.

Do you want that for yourself?  You can “get it”, by “getting God”.  Give what I suggest a try, and see for yourself.

God bless you and I will personally pray for everyone who subscribes to a daily reading of “Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Books of John, Gospel, (Lectio Divina).

If you need further help, you may also contact me for pastoral guidance and spiritual direction via our contact page[WU1] .  This is not about mental health issues, but about spiritual connection with Jesus  and His perspective on issues in your life.

P.S.  I have a number of assorted free resources on this website as well.  Some are short videos of only a couple of minutes, in fact 38 of them entitled: This is God Speaking.  It’s an engaging dramatization about some hot topics.  Perhaps one of them will “hit you” with what you need. 

God bless,

And please feel free to email me with your comments and feedback or sign up for our newsletter with helpful “Life Lessons”.

Having been a foreign mission catechist in 24 countries and experiencing many different types of people, taken hostage, rescued by loving Buddhists, and embraced by families in a heavenly leper Thai village, I would say I’ve experienced many different things, including helping mistresses of mafia leaders get free and change their lives, reconcile families with runaways, and reaching out for fascinating interchanges that have influenced and changed diehard atheists.  Mind you, not by me, but only and always by the grace of my Lord, Jesus the Christ.

Never fear, He is with you!!

Romy (Romuald B. Simeone)

Books & Articles by Romuald B. Simeone

An Archbishop’s Commendation

Romuald B. Simeone’s lectio divina of the Books of John is a life’s work; one that I have long been praying for. I am pleased to extend my blessing to it. People need to understand Jesus and to follow His Truth by Modeling Him in their daily lives. These Books of John are magnificently amplified. The author cleverly braids extensive biblical exegesis within each line of identified scripture verse by verse. This is unique and unparalleled; it eliminates much of the need to study multiple commentaries to get at the original meaning of the condensed Biblical text.

I would like to see this work in the hands of Christians all over the world, and hopefully for generations to come. We need to use Christ’s Holy Word, imbued with power, as a fine-honed tool for the regeneration of our Christian lives and the evangelization of souls. Such a meditative work allows even an average Christian to bring God’s Holy Word into one’s own heart and soul, both as an inspiration to love Jesus more actively, as well as to evangelize lapsing family members, co-workers, and friends. This Jesus Christ asked every believer to do if they truly love!

Let us not fail Jesus by fearing to publicly promote the Only One whose teachings give value and meaning to life. Know Him Biblically and spread the gift of the saving Faith He offers to all, while making every effort to fulfill our baptismal obligation to be His warrior-disciples. This work can help you make that happen!

 †Tomas A. Clavel Mendez, Archbishop Emeritus of Panama & Romuald B. Simeone


†​Tomas A. Clavel Mendez 

Archbishop Emeritus of Panama

Lectio Divina of the Books of John

The Lectio Divina of the Books of John are a treasury of Jesus’ ongoing Presence; they offer His connecting guidance in every vicissitude of one’s life journey. As personal “Love Letters from the Father” they serve as inspiration and instruction…gifting the Redeeming Savior of all to be one’s own Mentor.

They are Evangelical Tools to pass on Christ’s Good News of Salvation to those still wandering and seeking, and to accomplish on-going conversion to be totally and completely Christian.

Serious seekers of Christ, catechists, priests and pastors, preachers, retreat masters, home-schoolers, bible study leaders, and those generally seeking a deeper walk with Christ, will find these works inspiring and life-changing.

We recommend the vintage beautiful boxed set of all three volumes, with full-color box cover as a lasting set.  Price is $ 115.00

“It’s brilliant and inspirational!  When I share my faith and a verse from it, I’ve seen person’s hearts be remarkably touched by the Holy Spirit!” – Dr. Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco

These new editions will be coming soon.  You may advance order now.  If you prefer the vintage versions, please specify.

Volume 1A

Volume 1B

Bible, Love Letters from Your Father: Gospel of John

Volumes 1A and 1B, Gospel of John,  Lectio Divina

by Romuald B. Simeone

Price:  $25 each.    Free Shipping.

(JUST PUBLISHED!) Available now!

Jesus’ initial and youngest apostle sets the reality of His divine Sonship with the extensive prophetic proofs of Christ’s Messianic identity. John relates and witnesses Jesus’ personal miraculous contact with humanity, narrating the tragedy of public acceptance and leadership resistance that ends in murderous rejection. On the Cross Jesus fulfills His Father’s Plan of Redemption and establishes ongoing Christianity.

Editorial comment:  Please note, this is an absolutely brilliant work work by the author. It encompasses thousands of digested works and commentaries, including the fathers of the Church.  It will take decades to notate all the citations.  This has been acquired over the lifetime of the author who has studied biblical studies & exegesis over 70 years.  The same for the next two volumes.

Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Books of John

Volume 2, Letters of John, Lectio Divina

Soon to be released!

by Romuald B. Simeone

Price:  $25.00.    Free Shipping.

John, the last surviving apostle of Jesus, witnessing first-generation Christian Community application, demands that the total universal finality of Jesus’ divine model and teachings be accepted as divinely and infallibly given. John condemns the reinventing of Jesus as a humanizing misinterpretation and anti-Christ betrayal.

Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Books of John

Volume 3, Revelation, Lectio Divina

by Romuald B. Simeone

Price:  $25.00

Soon to be released!

John, the last prophet of Biblical Scripture, passes on the ultimate Revelation of Jesus in Glory to His Church. It the Lord’s last will and testament, warning and defining present and future personal and worldwide oppositional challenges to morality and doctrine. The Triumphant Jesus presents His personal assurance of continuing Divine Intervention, Ultimate Victory, and the Eternal Fulfillment of every Messianic promise.

FINALLY!  A way to understand the mysterious book of Revelation, using the historical, theological, and exegetical teachings of the Church and saints.  2000 years of combined meditation and understanding in one volume.

Set of all 4 volumes coming soon (free shipping) (unboxed) 

Price:  $100

Romuald Simeone filmed at WCAT-TV studios amplifying his life’s work:

Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Books of John, Vol. 1A & 1B, Gospel, Lectio Divina

(Content is the same for both TV & Radio venues.)

These vintage copies of the original edition are very special as the first editions of Romuald’s works.  They are collector’s items, and there are only a very limited quantity left.

Boxed set $115




Non-profit formation plans & Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC –Dialog International Press, LLC Collaboration!


Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC’s and its publishing division, Dialog International Press, LLC)  is in a joint venture with a “developing non-profit in formation stage” to assist training licensed mental health therapists and medical providers in being Jesus-Centered. Our collaboration will include providing “Scriptural & Pastoral Foundations”, our course based on the biblical books of John to help ground helping professionals in not only centering their own lives on Jesus & His Gospel personally, but to invite Jesus directly into their work with patients/clients.

Click here to learn more

The Spirit is a moving…!

Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC –Dialog International Press, LLC will be providing certification-track training! 


Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC’s and its publishing division, Dialog International Press, LLC)  is in a joint venture to assist training licensed mental health & medical providers. Donations will provide funds for a sustainable Fellowship Certification Training Program.  Our offerings include  “Scriptural & Pastoral Foundations”, based on the Bible,  Books of John, Love Letters from Your Father, Lectio Divina.  Please note, all donations are “gifts” that are not tax deductible when given to Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC.  However, we hope to connect you to the affiliated new non-profit if you wish to make a substantial tax deductible donation, soon!  Just let us know by emailing us your intent.  The non-profit will be an educational institution that will offer a full program of training that is Jesus-Centered for professionals.


Dedicated Christian therapists and physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals need to learn how to provide culturally competent topnotch  interventions that ethically incorporate the spiritual dimensions of their clients/patients’ lives.  This allows them to be able to bring Jesus and the clients’ faith into their treatment.  Can you imagine how that might affect marriages that come to them with struggle, especially the Christian ones. Often in graduate school a triadic understanding of the human being, “body, soul & spirit”, has been omitted in favor as seeing a human as a mere animal organism.  We know that human beings are more than just a mass of cells at the level of all animal beings.  We have a reflective awareness that is full of life, a conscience that is innate in us, and a spirit that longs for eternal life and true reconnection with it’s Maker!  We know also that marriages that share common values, meaning and purpose thrive best, including their intimate lives being rooted and grounded on love.  Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC attempts to fill these deep longings of the human heart by training providers how to share their own faith as appropriate, inquire into the spiritual beliefs and realities of their clients, and invite them into experiences of prayer and encounter with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

This includes basing all commentary given to clients/patients on the foundation of Christ, being built and rooted in Him.  (Col. 2:7).  It is  also known as a “Christian anthropology” in popular terms, not pushing anything onto those with different perspectives, but identifying the core truths and needs that are universal to, and belong equally to, all human beings.

This is what we want: healthy and independently functioning persons & marriages that in turn can subsequently mentor new disciples of our Lord as well as marriages and minister in the parish or church communities.  Healthy models of marriage sadly are a rare commodity!

That is why with  Jesus-Centered Schema Therapy we are endeavoring to do something using the talent base of  already-formed Christian providers (both mental health and medical).  In addition, we would like to see funds generated for clergy therapists, who are committed to healing marriages full time.  This allows them to focus on these skills and develop them, to engage in further research studies, and to train the next set of Jesus-Centered Therapists.

Resources for Your Family & Friends

Need more resources to pass on to your friends & family members who scoff at church and  Jesus, who don’t know what they are missing, or who are turned off by the “human church”: 

In particular we recommend our free 3 min. Videos in our list of 38:  “This is God Speaking”. Especially videos: 1-6, 8, 12-13, 20, 24-25 and 28 are particularly appropriate. Scroll down the page to find them. 

In addition, a powerful intervention is to share with them this life-changing article by Romuald Simeone (also on the Resources Page):

The Human Versus Divine Church

Article by Romuald B. Simeone

Price: $5.00  (ebook deliverable upon receipt of your purchase)

Are you troubled and struggling over the recent scandals in the church?  Not sure how to look at it, or just plain angry?  Thinking of walking away from “the whole thing?”  Here’s a wise view from the Fathers of the Church who also had to deal with such things.  Take a peek, it might just help a lot!

(The author in front of the Cathedral in Panama City, Panama, where Archbishop Tomas Clavel is buried, talking to the workers who are renovating the cathedral for World Youth Day, Panama City 2019.)


 Looking for more homily material, teaching content for seminary formators, or material for days of recollection, retreats, or Bible college courses on Scripture? Check out our books on Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Books of John, (Lectio Divina) with accompanying videos.  To purchase a set of them, click on the paypal link below. 

Would you like a section of the Gospel of John in your email inbox every day!


Imagine the convenience of having a passage of the two volumes of Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Gospel of John  (873 pages) every  day in your inbox for handy meditation to “clothe you with the Word of God” and prepare you for the day.  We’ll also attach the accompanying video link explaining even further what Scriptural exegesis, historical setting, and Fathers of the Church have contributed by presenting it all through Lectio Divina!  It reads verse by verse like an animated movie script (ex. “The Chosen”), and author Romuald Simeone explains it all even further in his animated style in the accompanying video.  If you interested in the Gospel of John, Lectio Divina in 365 daily sequential verses via email plus accompanying video, please signup below.

Signup for interest in future daily emails of the Gospel of John

This product is not currently offered, but we are collected the names of those interested to determine if we will invest in producing this.

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