For Region 7: WI, IN, & IL of the CPA & all CPA members & those involved in active christian ministry
jesus-centered institute, llc is hosting in collaboration with wcat catholic radio & tv a:
“Catholic Christian Meta-Model of the Person: Psychology/Mental Health Practice Integration” Monthly Meeting
Scriptural & Spiritual Formation for Therapists, Physicians & others in active Christian ministry to better equip us to implement a “Catholic Christian Meta-Model of the Person” (CCMMP) and integrate it with our ministry & mental health/psychology practices.
This group, led by Dr. Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco, Region 7 Representative for CPA, will start with an informal Meet & Greet. She will then move the group slowly through the main tenets found in the text, “A Catholic Christian Meta-Model of the Person, Integration with Psychology & Mental Health Practice,” providing a small bite-size piece of teaching that implements the philosophical, theological and scriptural underpinnings and applications of the Meta-Model of the Person. From there we will also move to understanding the breadth and comprehensiveness of the client conceptualization that the Meta-Model urges. Each meeting will have 3 parts:
We commenced the monthly series on the Feast Day of St. Clement of Alexandria, the First Friday of Jesus’ Birthday month, Dec. 4th. St. Clement is a great patron for us, he was:
Teacher at the Catechetical School in Alexandria, Egypt. He trained the famous theologian and teacher Origen. Writer and confessor of the faith. During the persecutions of 202, Clement fled to Caesarea, Cappadocia where he governed the diocese during the imprisonment of his student, Bishop Alexander.
The subject matter will be starting with the philosophical basis of CCMMP and move sequentially forward. Each meeting will be video-recorded for future productive use. There is no charge to be part of this, unless we are being co-sponsored for a session by ITEST (Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology) . If you are interested, you can join and listen to the recorded sessions you may need to miss.
Fast Facts:
Group formal title:
“Catholic Christian Meta-Model of the Person: Psychology/Mental Health Practice Integration”
Our series started DEC. 4TH, 2021 FEAST OF ST. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA
Please see “Future Events” tab for remaining sessions.
WI Area CPA Rep., Publisher, Dialog International Press, LLC, Exec. Dir., Jesus-Centered Institute, LLC, & psychologist, Connect-Talk, LLC & its div. Jesus-Centered Schema Therapy Center.
B.A. Religious Studies (Theology), B.A. Philosophy, M.A., Psychology in Education, M.Ed. Psychological Counseling & Rehabilitation, Ph.D. Counseling Psychology. (Holy Apostles College, Columbia University–Teacher’s College, University of Mississippi respectively) (tutored by Most Rev. Arch. Tomas A. Clavel, Rev. Edward B. Brueggeman, S.J., Rev. Fr. Alan McCoy, OFM, and others over the last 46 years).
Additional Faculty:
Sebastian Mahfood, OP, serves as Vice-President of External Affairs at Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, CT, publisher at En Route Books & Media, and producer at WCAT Radio & TV, which has produced over six dozen radio programs with 60 show hosts who’ve generated around 10,000 podcasts since the station’s founding in 2016. The mission of the publishing house and radio station is to promote the Catholic spiritual journey to help our readers and listeners engage more intentionally in their relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer and the sacraments.
Dr. Mahfood is a Lay Dominican. He holds a doctorate in postcolonial literature and theory, (Saint Louis University), along with several master’s degrees in the fields of comparative literature, philosophy, moral theology, and educational technology. In his work with various seminaries, Sebastian has been extensively involved with priestly, religious and lay spiritual formation, including being on the boards of several institutes for the spiritual, theological, moral & ethical development of persons seeking to live the Christian life as disciples.
Classically lettered in Philosophy and Bioethics, Dr. Mary Anne Urlakis is an independent bioethicist who provides ethical consultation, support, and advocacy to individuals and institutions. She was the first graduate from the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Graduate Program in Bioethics in 1994, and is currently a graduate student at Pontifex University, pursing a second doctorate in Theology. Mary Anne earned a graduate certificate in Eastern Christian Studies from St. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary as well as a graduate certificate from the Catholic University of America and the Vatican Foundation Centesimus Annus Pro Pontificate in Catholic Social Doctrine. Dr. Urlakis is staunchly Pro-Life and advocates for the rights of vulnerable human persons, specifically those at the edges of life–the nascent unborn, the terminally ill, and the elderly. She is a published author, educator, and speaker. She co-founded the Donum Vitae Institute and is currently in process founding a new prolife institute together with Sebastian Mahfood and Laura Elm that promotes the Magisterial teaching regarding the dignity of nascent human life. Mary Anne Urlakis is a Secular Discalced Carmelite and is also involved with monastic spiritual accompaniment through Holy Resurrection Byzantine Catholic Monastery. She hosts two WCAT Radio programs: “Inter Vitam et Mortem: Between Life and Death: Discussion and Interviews with a Catholic Bioethicist” and “Vows, Vocations, and Promises: Discerning the Call of Love.”
Romuald B. Simeone is a Genetic historian, Catholic apologist, poet, writer and former Foreign Mission Catechist in Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Singapore, and Lebanon. He is the author of the Lectio Divina series entitled Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Books of John–Gospel of John, Letters, and Revelation. As a Foreign Mission Catechist Romy Simeone assisted Bishop J.Chan of Penang, Archbp. M. Kien of Thare, and Archbp. D. Athaide of Agra, et al, under whom he pursued Scholastic Philosophy, Thomistic Theology and Biblical Studies.
Host of “Bible, Love Letters from your Father”, WCAT Catholic Radio & TV’s three programs: Bible, Love Letters From Your Father Gospel of John, Letters of John, Book of Revelation. These form companion videos for Bible, Love Letters From Your Father, Books of John–Gospel of John vol 1A & 1B, Letters, Vol. 2, and Revelation, vol. 3, explaining the life and Model of Jesus to the ordinary man. 65 of them on the verse by verse sequence of the Gospel of John, and 11 of them on the Letters of John. He is currently completing the sequence on the Book of Revelation.
They can be found on the Home and Resources Pages of this website. These works were commissioned by the late Archbishop Thomas A. Clavel, a saintly companion of Archbp. Romero. Archbishop Clavel was exiled from Panama to the USA due to the dangers Saint Pope John Paul II saw with him remaining during the time of Pres. Noriega and civil unrest. Romuald, a close friend of Archbishop Clavel, was entrusted with writing these works for the work of evangelizing the ordinary person and making the Gospels come alive and be understandable.
Fr. Louis Golamari originally belongs to the Archdiocese of Hyderabad, India. After his high school he joined the seminary in India and completed his formation studies in Philosophy and Theology in 1996. Besides his degrees in Philosophy and Theology he has a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts (Sociology, Public Administration and Political Science), Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Masters Degree in English Literature. After his ordination in1997 he worked as an Associate Pastor for three years and then became a Pastor. Later he worked as principal of three different high schools and two colleges in India. At the Archdiocesan level in India, he was entrusted with the office of Chancellor, Episcopal vicar, Dean and Treasurer of the Archdiocesan Education Board.
He has been working in the United States since 2014. His present assignments are: Chaplain of the WI Region of CPA, appointed by Bishop David L. Ricken, Diocese of Green Bay; National Spiritual Director of the Christian Family Movement (CFM); and Pastor of St. Jude’s the Apostle Parish, Oshkosh, WI
Fr. John Horn, S.J. D. Min. is a priest of the Eastern USA Province of the Society of Jesus and was ordained in 1985. He is a Co-Founder of The Institute for Priestly Formation at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska and is currently serving as a spiritual director and professor in Spiritual Theology at St . Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Florida. In his early years of priesthood he served in the Jesuit Refugee Service and Jesuit Secondary Education. For over twenty five years a call within a call to serve diocesan seminarians and priests has been his apostolic mission in the ministry of The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. He is Co-Founder of the Seminary Formation Council and previously served as President-Rector of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis. He also serves in prison ministry.
Fr. Horn has written several books including “Heart Speaks To Heart – A Review Of Life And Healing Prayer,” “Eyewitnesses- Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality,” and “Healing Prayer- Practical Mysticism and St. Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises.”
There is no charge. If you have not received an invitation via email and would like one, please fill out the contact form and indicate your interest. Thank you and God bless your work and ministry. Note, you do not need to be a therapist, but participation is restricted to CPA members of all levels of membership. For further information on CPA membership click here.
Coming together in the power of the Spirit in a world torn apart. 7- fold gifts of the Spirit bring healing through you!